Socialization of Monev RPS Instrument Form Quality Assurance Unit (UJM)

On July 18, 2023, a socialization event was held about the Monev Instrument Form (Monitoring and Evaluation) RPS (Semester Learning Plan) within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Palangka Raya University. This event aims to introduce and explain comprehensively about the RPS monev instrument which will be used as a tool for evaluating and improving the quality of education.

At the socialization event led by Mrs. Chuchita, S.Pd., M.Si and Regina Wahyudyah S., S.Pd., M.Si, explained in detail about the filling and use of the Monev RPS Instrument Form, including its purpose and benefits in assessing and improving the learning process. This instrument is designed to collect relevant and valuable data on the effectiveness and efficiency of the applied curriculum.

This RPS assessment form is designed by focusing on ten important points, which will be the main guide for lecturers in preparing an effective and relevant RPS. Here is a summary of the ten points:

1. Completeness of RPS Elements

2. The relationship between CPL and CPMK

3. Formulation of Capabilities in CPMK and Sub CPMK

4. The formulation of CPMK and Sub CPMK is oriented to students

5. Availability and Novelty of Learning Resources

6. Different Learning Strategies

7. Utilization of ICT in the Learning Process

8. Integration of Lecturer Research Results

9. Integration of the Results of Lecturer Service Activities

10. Comprehensive Learning Evaluation

It is expected that through the socialization of the Monev RPS Instrument Form on July 18, 2023, all parties involved will have the same understanding and commitment to support the evaluation process and improve the quality of education. Cooperation and active participation from all components of our educational institutions are key in achieving this goal, socialization activities can take place with the collaboration between the FMIPA Quality Assurance Unit Team and each Quality Assurance Group in each Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Palangka Raya University.