Palangka Raya University Opens S1 Pharmacy Study Program

Palangka Raya University officially opened the S1Pharmacy Study
Program based on the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology Number: 570 / E / O / 2023 concerning the permit to open the S1
Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Palangka Raya University. The opening of the S1 Pharmacy Study Program is
an effort to prioritize the quality of Human Resources according to the needs
and development of superior Human Resources in the future.
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr.
Siti Sunariyati, M.Si said that the opening of the S1 Pharmacy Study Program
would be an opportunity for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to
create competent Pharmacy graduates who can develop regions. Meanwhile,
the Rector of Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S, expressed
his appreciation to various parties who have supported UPR in continuing to
improve and improve quality in its capacity as a Higher Education Service
Provider Institution.
The Rector of
Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salampak, M.S also expressed his
appreciation to various parties who have supported Palangka Raya University in
continuing to improve and improve muu in its capacity as a Higher Education
Service Provider Institution. I would like to express my gratitude to
various parties, especially to the Governor of Central Kalimantan, the Mayor of
Palangka Raya and the Palangka Raya City Government and other parties that I
cannot mention one by one, as well as to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences and the Team who have worked hard to open this Pharmacy
Study Program, he concluded.