DRTPM BIMA UPR Community Service Team Collaboration between FMIPA and FEB Teaches Kelulut Honey Diversification to KUPS of Bahu Palawa Village.

Palangka Raya University (UPR) DRTPM BIMA Community Service Team
with derivative contract number 1020/UN24.13/AL.O4/2024 which is led by
lecturers from the chemistry study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences (Septaria Yolan Kalalinggi, S.Si. , M.Sc. and Zahrotun Nafisah, S.Si.,
M.Sc.,) as well as lecturers from the Management study program, Faculty of
Economics and Business (John Budiman Bancin, S.Pd., M.M.), held kelulut honey
product diversification activities with KUPS Bahu Palawa Village. This
community service activity was opened directly by the Chair of the Institute
for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at Palangka Raya University, Dr. Evi
Veronica. He said that Palangka Raya University will continue to strive to
always prioritize innovation and technology in every community service
activity. Septaria Yolan Kalalinggi, S.Si., M.Sc., as head of the community
service team, said that Palangka Raya University will continue to focus on
utilizing local resources to help improve the community's economy.
Septaria Yolan Kalalinggi, S.Si., M.Sc., as head of the community
service team, said that Palangka Raya University will continue to focus on
utilizing local resources to help improve the community's economy. The Head of
Bahu Palawa Village, Fordecun, welcomed the community service activities in
Bahu Palawa Village. He also hopes that this activity will have a positive
impact on the economy of Bahu Palawa Village in the future.