Open Senate Session And Undergraduate Judiciary (S1) Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences University of Palangka Raya For The August 2023 Period

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Palangka Raya held an Open Senate Session and Undergraduate Judiciary (S1) for the August 2023 Period in the Odd Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year on Monday, August 28, 2023 at the Ballroom of the PPIIG Building of Palangka Raya University, 6th Floor. This activity is the fourth period of Judiciary activities in which previously the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences had carried out similar activities three times. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences adjudicates 16 students who are expected to be able to realize the motto BISA. This motto stands for Character, Innovative, Sciecetis, Adaftif. In addition, graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are expected to be able to absorb in the world of work through the knowledge gained while completing Strata 1 studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Palangka Raya University.
This event was opened directly by the Senate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR in an Open Senate Session which in this case was represented by the Secretary of the Senate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR Dr. Yohanes Edy Gunawan, M.Si. It is hoped that graduates as young scientists can have good character, innovate to work and be able to adapt wherever they are," through the remarks of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Palangka Raya Dr. Siti Sunariyati, M.Si. In this event, one of the best graduates from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR was announced on behalf of Elprida Pasaribu with a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) of 3.53 with a study period of 4 years and a Cumlaude predicate.
While there are three Best Graduates, namely the Physics Study Program Level achieved by the same participant on behalf of Elprida Pasaribu with a GPA of 3.53 with a study period of 4 years, while for the Chemistry Study Program it was achieved by participants on behalf of Helda Novita Indah Siburian with a GPA of 3.50 with a study period of 4 years while for the Biology Study Program it was achieved by participants on behalf of Alpiando Ferdi Timothy with a GPA of 3.39 with a five-year study period.
With his young age of 6 years, there are many things that must be fought by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR, especially in improving the quality of graduates who are able to compete at the National and even International levels. This is in accordance with the mission of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to become a superior and competitive reference faculty in the fields of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the National and International levels in 2035.
Currently, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has a new Study Program, namely the Mathematics and Pharmacy Study Program. Starting this year there are two new Study Programs, namely Mathematics and Pharmacy, said Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR, Dr. Siti Sunariyati, M.Si. The total number of Study Programs in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is now 5 Study Programs, namely the Study Programs of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Pharmacy. The establishment of this new Study Program cannot be separated from the needs and support from the districts in Central Kalimantan. In addition to Central Kalimantan as a buffer for the National Capital (IKN), it must also prepare itself for the needs of superior human resources and character in the future.