Inauguration and Handover of the Position of Deputy Dean of FMIPA UPR for the 2024 - 2028 Period

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Palangka Raya University, Prof. Dr. Agus Haryono, M.Si inaugurated
the new Deputy Dean and handed over the position of the old Deputy Dean within
the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In the event which was also
attended by the Chair of the UPR FMIPA Senate, Team Leaders, Lecturers,
Students and a number of other invitees, the Dean of UPR FMIPA inaugurated
Wahyu Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si as Deputy Academic Dean, apt. Noverda Ayuchecaria,
S. Farm,. M.Farm as Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Made
Dirgantara, S.Si., M.Si as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs.
The inauguration ceremony for a number of new officials in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences took place on Friday, November 29 2024 in the Ballroom of the PPIIG Building, 6th floor, Palangka Raya University. The event started at 08.30 until 11.30 and opened with remarks and an opening by the MC and continued with singing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya, Palangka Raya University Mars, and UPR MIPA Faculty Mars. Next, the Decree was read by the Head of the Administrative, Financial, Personnel and BMN Affairs Team, the oath of office by the Dean and Spiritualist and witnesses ended with the closing by the MC.
In his speech, the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dr. Agus
Haryono, M.Si expressed his gratitude to all previous Deputy Deans who had
given their dedication to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UPR
and also did not forget to congratulate all new Deputy Deans in carrying out
their duties and the importance of team cohesion to achieve better performance.
Congratulations to all Deputy Deans appointed for
the 2024 to 2028 term of service, hopefully they will carry out their duties
with full dedication and integrity and contribute in various aspects that
support the development of education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Palangka Raya University.