FMIPA UPR Implements Laboratory Assistant Training Activities in 2023

Palangka Raya (Friday, 03 November 2023). The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Palangka Raya University has carried out training for Laboratory Assistants on the topic "Occupational Safety and Health in the Laboratory". This activity was held in Theater Room B, 6th Floor, Center for Science and Technology Development and Peat Innovation (PPIIG) Building, Palangka Raya University and was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, FMIPA UPR Luqman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc.
Laboratory Assistant Training is an annual routine agenda carried out by FMIPA UPR as a forum for students, lecturers and also laboratories. This training aims to prepare reliable and competent laboratory assistants to support the implementation of course practicum. This 2023 Laboratory Assistant Training invited resource persons, namely the Head of the Environmental Laboratory UPTD, Palangka Raya City Environmental Service, Ahmad Riadi, S.Si., M.Si.
The activity is divided into 2 series of events, namely 1)
providing material and simulating K3 activities in the laboratory, 2)
practicing introducing and operating equipment in the FMIPA laboratory by study
program lecturers.