FMIPA UPR Goes To School

Community Service is one of the pillars of the Tri Dharma of Higher
Education, namely: education, research and community service. A university not
only carries out education for its students, but also carries out research and
develops innovation, as well as the preservation and development of superior
knowledge which of course can be of benefit to society.
Through community service, universities are expected to be present in
society and provide solutions for society. The goals of community service
include two things. First, the off-campus community needs assistance in improving
problem-solving abilities to support development. Second, special educational
communities that are in line with priorities in the fields of science,
population and environment, as well as educational institutions and community
institutions that require special guidance and development.
Regina Wahyudyah, S.Pd., M.Si, one of the Mathematics Study Lecturers
from FMIPA, Palangka Raya University, took part in making a contribution to the
community service program. This contribution is about providing guidance for
science olympiads through empowering mathematics and science clubs for students
at SMPN 10 Palangka Raya. This service activity is of course aimed at providing contributions and
helping teachers in preparing students at SMP Negeri 10 Palangka Raya to take
part in the Science Olympiad, especially in Mathematics and Science subjects.
According to Cahyo Putra Anugrah, S.Pd as the Principal of SMPN 10
Palangka Raya, he admitted that he was very happy and well received this
activity. Even though the location of our school is relatively far from
Palangka Raya City, where access can only be by river, FMIPA wants to pay
attention to our presence. With this activity, it is hoped that students
will be more enthusiastic about learning, especially gaining new experiences
provided by lecturers from FMIPA UPR and that students will be better prepared
to take part in academic competitions such as science olympiad competitions.
Based on the community service program activities that have been carried
out, Dr. Siti Sunariyati, M.Si as the Dean of FMIPA, Palangka Raya University,
said that the Community Service program is certainly one of the implementations
of the practice of science and technology which aims directly at the community
institutionally through scientific methodology as the dissemination of the Tri
Dharma of Higher Education. With this activity, FMIPA is of course trying
to be one of the pioneers of society, especially students at SMPN 10 Palangka
Raya so that they will be more enthusiastic about pursuing education and also
that they will be more prepared and stable in mastering science concepts when
taking part in science olympiad competitions.