4th International Webinar on Physics and Student Networking (IWPSN)

The "4th International Webinar on Physics and Student Networking" event was organized by the Physics Study Program, FMIPA, Palangka Raya University with the theme "Green Physics for Supporting Indonesian Carbon Net Zero Emission 2060" opened with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mr. Prof. . Dr. Agus Haryono, M.Sc. This webinar brings together leading experts from various institutions to discuss innovation and the contribution of physics to achieving Indonesia's net zero carbon emissions goal by 2060.

Keynote Speech: Prof. Taufik from California Polytechnic State University, USA, delivered material regarding Hybrid AC/DC House for Future Net Zero Energy Home which was moderated by Mr. Vontas Nahan, Ph.D. In his presentation, Prof. Taufik explained the concept of a future home based on net zero energy, which prioritizes hybrid technology and sustainable energy, as well as its relevance to global and local goals in reducing carbon emissions and the challenges in its development.

Sesi I: Dipandu oleh Bapak Made Dirgantara, sesi ini menghadirkan dua pemateri. Prof. Maria Cecilia D. Galvez, Ph.D., dari De La Salle University, Filipina, memaparkan materi tentang Non-Destructive Optical Techniques for Assessing Plant Health: Insights from Optical Coherence Tomography and Transmittance Measurements, mengangkat metode optik yang inovatif untuk menilai kesehatan tanaman tanpa merusak, yang bermanfaat dalam pemantauan lingkungan. Selanjutnya, Pak Ari Putra Susanto, S.Hut dari Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd (APRIL Group)  membawakan materi Addressing the Research Gap: How Tier 3 Emission Factors Affect Tropical Peatlands in Support of Indonesia's 2060 Net Zero Emission Goal, yang berfokus pada dampak faktor emisi pada lahan gambut tropis dan kontribusinya terhadap target emisi Indonesia.

Sesi II: Dipandu oleh Bapak Thathit Suprayogi, sesi ini menghadirkan dua pembicara. Pak P.E.D. Putra dari Nanyang Technological University, Singapura, memaparkan Unraveling the Photocatalytic CO2 Conversion on The Nanostructured SnO2 Thin Films: An investigation by Density Functional Theory and Experiment, membahas penelitian yang mendalam mengenai konversi CO2 melalui teknologi film tipis berbasis SnO2. Dr. Indra Pardede dari Institut Teknologi Sumatera Utara menyajikan topik Magnetic Properties in 2D Materials (Cr2C, CoS2, and VSe2) From First Principles for Spintronics Application, mengupas potensi material 2D dalam pengembangan teknologi spintronik yang mendukung berbagai aplikasi modern.

Apart from that, there was also an International Essay competition/competition held by the UPR FMIPA Physics Study Program, where this competition had the theme "The role and Innovation of the Young Generation in Reducing Global Warming Due to Environmental Pollution to Support the Net Zero Emission (NZE) Program" . This competition was successfully participated by many students from various campuses both domestically and abroad, such as California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo USA, ITERA, Mataram University, Muhammadiyah University Maumere, Malang State University, Halu Uleo University, Papua Christian University, Malikussaleh University, UPN Veteran East Java, Nahdlatul Ulama University Pasuruan, UIN Alauddin Makassar, Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri University, Syiah Kuala University, and Jember University. Referring to this competition, participants were also invited to an international essay competition, where they were given the opportunity to become student speakers. The Student Speakers session then becomes a platform for students to present their research essays, interact, and share ideas in discussions guided by student moderators. This session aims to strengthen scientific networks and collaboration between students who are interested in developments in the field of physics and related sciences.

This webinar has a positive impact in opening up opportunities for researchers and students, especially in the field of physics, to build international collaboration. By presenting presenters from various countries, this event becomes a space for collaboration between researchers and lecturers across countries, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas that are useful in encouraging joint research. In addition, collaboration at the student level encourages the spirit of scientific leadership of the younger generation and opens up opportunities for joint research projects in the future. Through a strong network between academics, it is hoped that this webinar will be able to accelerate Indonesia's steps towards achieving net zero carbon emissions and advance physical science in the context of environmental sustainability.
